Implant Retained Dentures in Covina CA
Implant retained dentures can replace both upper and lower teeth, giving you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures. Let us help you determine the right type of implant retained denture for your unique needs!
Less Hassle
An implant-supported denture provides the greatest security, resulting in a higher level of confidence as you go about your day. Your prosthetic teeth are secured using two to four dental implants with implant-supported dentures. Since these implants are surgically embedded into your jawbone, they function as your tooth roots, providing you with extra confidence.
More Secure
An implant-supported denture provides the greatest security, resulting in a higher level of confidence as you go about your day. Your prosthetic teeth are secured using two to four dental implants with implant-supported dentures. Since these implants are surgically embedded into your jawbone, they function as your tooth roots, providing you with extra confidence.
Bone Preservation
It is less obvious but highly important to keep the jaw bone intact by opting for implant-supported dentures. Missing teeth cause jaw bone loss when there is no tooth root to stimulate the jaw properly. This bone loss may result in a hollow or sunken appearance to the face, leading to premature facial aging. Unless you anchor your dentures with implants, bone loss is still a risk since traditional dentures do not replace the tooth root.
Dental Implant Overdentures Near Me – Contact Us Today!
Are you interested in Dental Implant Overdentures? Contact our office today to make your appointment, and discuss your treatment options.